1. Definitions
The terms reported in these general conditions (the "General Conditions") with the initial capital letter will have the meaning attributed to them below, with the clarification that the reference to the singular also includes the reference to the plural and vice versa, Romanengo: Pietro Romanengo was Stefano Srl, VAT number 00269340105, registered in the Genoa Company Register number REA 0259468, with registered office in Genoa, via Soziglia 74/76 r, postal code 16123, e-mail address: Product Catalogue: the list of Romanengo Products that can be purchased, where available, published and periodically updated on the Site. Customer: the natural person, over the age of eighteen, as defined in art. 3, letter a), of the Consumer Code, and therefore the natural person who acts for purposes unrelated to his business, commercial, craft or professional activity possibly carried out. Consumer Code: Legislative Decree no. 206 of 09.06.2005 and subsequent amendments and additions. Order Confirmation: the confirmation of the Purchase Order sent by Romanengo to the Customer after verifying that the economic transaction has been successful. Contract: the contract between Romanengo and the Customer which is understood to be finalized with the Customer's receipt of the Order Confirmation sent by Romanengo and is understood to include these General Conditions. Law: any law, decree, regulation, directive or regulation, national or local, order or decision, Italian or foreign, of any authority, applicable to the sale of the Products. Purchase Order: the order sent by the Customer to Romanengo through the appropriate form on the Site, subject to confirmation of the availability of the Product. Products: the confectionery products best listed in the Romanengo Product Catalogue, from time to time offered for sale on the Site. Point of Sale: the Romanengo point of sale, located in the Municipality of Genoa, which the Customer can choose as an alternative to shipping, where the Customer can collect the Products purchased online during the indicated opening hours and within the established times. Product Sheet: the descriptive sheet of each Product, available on the Site, which illustrates its main characteristics in compliance with the provisions of the Law. Website: the Romanengo website where the Products can be purchased. Seller: Romanengo.

2. General Information
2.1 These General Conditions of Sale are drawn up in compliance with the provisions of the Civil Code, the Consumer Code and the applicable sector regulations and govern the offer and sale of products through the Site. 2.2 The Seller of the Products and owner of the Site is the Romanengo company. 2.3 The Customer is exclusively the consumer, over the age of eighteen, as defined in art. 3, letter a), of the Consumer Code, and therefore the natural person who acts on the Site for purposes unrelated to his business, commercial, craft or professional activity possibly carried out. In the case of customers who do not fall within the definition of consumers referred to in the Consumer Code, the General Conditions of Sale for Companies and Professionals available on the Site will apply.

3. Scope of application and effectiveness of the General Conditions
3.1 The General Conditions have as their object the regulation of the purchase, carried out remotely, of the Products, made available through the Site and constitute an integral part of each Purchase Order and Order Confirmation or in any case transaction of the Products on the Site. The updated version of the General Conditions can be consulted on the Website and also through the link contained in the Order Confirmation email. 3.2 The General Conditions apply to and govern all sales contracts concluded through the Site: each purchase made through the Site implies full knowledge and acceptance, without reservations, of the General Conditions for the Customer. 3.3 The General Conditions may be subject to changes and variations at any time and the Customer, who accesses the Site to purchase the Products, is required to carefully read the aforementioned General Conditions before proceeding with any purchase. 3.4 In any case, each sale of the Products will be governed by the version of the General Conditions which can be consulted on the Website on the date the Purchase Order is sent by the Customer.

4. Information relating to the Products
4.1 The Customer acknowledges and is informed that the information relating to the essential characteristics of the Products, including the relative prices, can be consulted on the Site within each Product Sheet. In the Product Catalogue, each product is accompanied by a descriptive sheet which illustrates its main characteristics. The images of the Products published on the Site must in any case be understood as merely indicative, as they may not correspond faithfully to the real ones due to the devices used by the Customer to view the Site or due to the settings of the computer systems. 4.2 The Product Catalog will be periodically updated by the Seller who, therefore, does not provide guarantees as to the fact that each Product is at any time included in the list of Products available online.

5. Information aimed at the conclusion of the Contract
5.1 To proceed with the purchase of the Products, the Customer must fill in the appropriate login form on the Site. By filling in the login form, the Customer certifies, under his sole responsibility (i) the truthfulness and correctness of the data provided for the activation of the service (ii) to have completed eighteen years of age, and (iii) to act as a consumer. Alternatively, the Customer may purchase the Products as a "Guest", without registering, but simply by entering the data required for his identification and for the delivery of the purchased Products before proceeding to fill in the order form referred to in the following art. 5.3. In this case, your data will not be saved for future purchases. 5.2 It is the Customer's sole responsibility to keep the login information strictly confidential, not communicating it to third parties, in order to avoid, as far as possible, any risk of intrusion into the Customer's account and the sending of Purchase Orders by people unauthorized or otherwise different from the Customer. 5.3 After completing the login form, the Customer must complete an order form in electronic format, prepared by the Seller, following the instructions contained on the Site. 5.4 Before sending the Order Confirmation to the Customer, the Seller will make available of the Customer all the information referred to in art. 49 of the Consumer Code. 5.5 In any case, before sending the Purchase Order, the Customer undertakes to carefully read the General Conditions, displayed during the Purchase Order registration procedure, which he expressly declares to have understood and to accept without reservations by ticking of the appropriate space on the Site. In more detail, the Customer undertakes to read the information on the essential characteristics of the Products ordered, their prices and the payment methods and times for returning the Products. Furthermore, as envisaged by art. 51, second paragraph, of the Consumer Code, the function provided for the forwarding of each Purchase Order contains the specification that the order implies the obligation to pay. 5.6. Once the Purchase Order has been completed and the chosen delivery method has been selected, the Customer can change the shipping address previously entered. To complete each Product Purchase Order, the Customer is therefore required to confirm the economic transaction concerning the payment of the price of the Products placed in the cart; for this purpose, once the procedure for choosing the Products and confirming the Customer's data has been concluded, the Customer is asked to click on "Confirm", choose the payment method and, in case of choosing payment by electronic systems, the Site will redirect the latter to the payment manager page. 5.7 Correct payment is certified both by a confirmation message from the payment manager and by the Order Confirmation. In the absence of such messages, the Purchase Orders are understood to have never been placed. 5.8 After having received confirmation of the successful payment indicated in the Purchase Order, the Seller will send the Customer, via an e-mail communication to the e-mail address indicated during login, the Order Confirmation, as required by the 'art. 51, seventh paragraph, of the Consumer Code. The Order Confirmation communication - which, without prejudice to what is indicated below for the case of Products no longer available in the warehouse, is valid as definitive acceptance of the Purchase Order and involves the conclusion of the Contract between Romanengo and the Customer - contains a reference to these General Conditions, the order number, the billing information, the list of Products ordered with the relative essential characteristics, the option selected by the Customer between collection at the Point of Sale and delivery by shipment, where selected the relative option, the place of delivery of the Products being shipped and the shipping costs, as well as the total price of the Products purchased. The Seller is only obliged to deliver what is available in the warehouse and cannot be held responsible if, after sending the Order Confirmation, it turns out that the Product or one of the Products ordered is no longer available in the warehouse. In this case, the Seller will promptly contact the Customer to propose alternative Products to those found to be out of stock or the reversal of the payment, at the Customer's choice and discretion. 5.9 The Customer acknowledges that, before concluding the online purchase procedure described above, he will have to verify the correctness of the data indicated by him and correct any input errors and, once he has received the Order Confirmation, he will have to print and conservation of the same and of the attached General Conditions or in any case memorize or reproduce a copy. The Order Confirmation will be archived by the Seller in the Website database for the time strictly necessary for its fulfillment and then cancelled. The registered Customer will be able to access the Purchase Order prepared by the same by consulting the "My Orders" section of the Site.

6. Product prices, terms and payment methods
6.1 The prices of the Products displayed on the Site are expressed in Euros and are inclusive of all taxes and duties and, in the event that the Customer opts for direct delivery to the address indicated, also of transport and delivery costs (according to as better indicated in the section "Information on shipments"). 6.2 The prices in effect from time to time are those published online at the time the Purchase Order is sent by the Customer, so it is the Customer's responsibility to check the price of the Products before submitting the Purchase Order; the prices applied by the Seller may be subject to variations without notice. 6.3 Payment for the Products can be made by bank transfer or via the Stripe payment platform which offers a secure payment service on the internet. In the latter case, the payment data is protected through the use of the most advanced technological and coding systems (SSL) and the credit card data, PayPal or other electronic payment system used are in this case processed directly by Stripe and not they are known by Romanengo.

7. Terms of delivery and verification of the Products
7.1 The Products are delivered by the Seller, at the Customer's choice, (i) at the Point of Sale, if confirmed by the Seller in the Order Confirmation communication, during the opening hours indicated therein; (ii) directly to the delivery address indicated by the Customer on the order form on the Site. 7.2 In the case referred to in the option governed by point 7.1(i), the Customer therefore undertakes to proceed with the collection of Products at the Point of Sale, during the opening hours indicated in the Order Confirmation communication, starting from the day indicated on the Order Confirmation and showing a copy of the same. If the Customer fails to collect the Products from the Point of Sale within the mandatory period of 5 (five) days from the date indicated in the Order Confirmation, the Products will no longer be consumable and/or marketable and must necessarily be disposed of according to the Law , at the Customer's risk and no refund will be due to the latter. 7.3 At the time of collection or delivery of the Products, the Customer undertakes to verify the integrity of the packaging of the Products that is delivered and the correspondence of the Products delivered with the items listed in the Order Confirmation communication. In the event that, upon collection/delivery of the Products, the Customer has ascertained that the packaging of the Products is not intact and/or the Products delivered do not correspond to those listed in the Order Confirmation, in order to activate the guarantees of referred to in art. 8 of the General Conditions, the Customer must refuse the collection/delivery of the Products. This refusal will be registered by the employee at the Point of Sale and will be equivalent to a complaint by the Customer.

8. Legal guarantee of conformity and replacement of the Products
8.1 All Products marketed through the Site are supported by a legal guarantee of conformity established by articles 128 et seq. of the Consumer Code. 8.2 Pursuant to the law, the Seller has the obligation to deliver to the Customer goods compliant with the sales contract, ie products compliant with the description of each Product and with the essential characteristics indicated in each Product Sheet which can be consulted on the Site; without prejudice to the provisions of point 8.1. above, the Seller is liable to the Customer for any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery of the Products. 8.3 Considering the high perishability of the Products and their rapid perishability also following inappropriate storage, the Customer is informed that, in the event of a lack of conformity of the Products, he will be entitled, at his choice, to have them replaced or to termination of the Contract and the refund of the price paid, if, upon collection at the Point of Sale or delivery, without prejudice to the provisions of point 8.1. above, has (i) checked the integrity of the packaging and the correspondence of the Products to those listed in the Order Confirmation and (ii) promptly sent the complaint form to the Seller within 5 (five) days of discovering the defect of compliance. 8.4 Once the complaint pursuant to art. 8.3, if the Customer has not opted for the termination of the Contract and the return of the price paid, the Seller must deliver to the Customer, at the Point of Sale indicated in the Purchase Order and confirmed in the Order Confirmation communication or with direct delivery where preferred by the Customer, the substitute Products (ie Products of the same quality and quantity indicated in the Order Confirmation pursuant to article 7.3) within the shortest technical times and, in any case, within the term of 3 (three) days working days from the replacement request and without the charge of further costs.

9. Exclusion of the right of withdrawal due to the high perishability of the Products. 9.1 The Customer is informed and aware that the Products, due to the freshness of their ingredients and the absence of preservatives, are highly perishable and subject to rapid alteration also as a result of inappropriate storage, therefore, the Products must necessarily be consumed by the date indicated on each package purchased. 9.2 The Customer therefore certifies that he is aware of the fact that the right of withdrawal from the Contract is excluded pursuant to and by effect of art. 59, letter d) of the Consumer Code; the Customer is, in fact, informed that, due to their high perishability, the Products cannot be put back on the market without endangering the health of the consumers after the collection/delivery indicated in the Purchase Order and confirmed by the Confirmation of 'Order.

10. Treatment of personal data - Privacy
10.1 The Seller will process the Customer's personal data in compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data as specified in detail in the information available in the "Privacy" section of the Site, which the Customer is obliged to view before sending the Purchase order. This information is deemed to be fully known by the Customer at the time the Purchase Order is forwarded. The Customer will also be asked to consent to the processing of their personal data for specific purposes, where required by current legislation on the protection of personal data.

11. Applicable law - Jurisdiction.

11.1 Every purchase made by the Customer on the Site according to these General Conditions is governed by Italian law. 11.2 For any controversy that may arise in relation to the interpretation, application, execution and/or termination of these General Conditions and/or individual Contracts for the purchase of the Products, the Court of residence or domicile of the Customer will have exclusive jurisdiction, if the latter is qualified as a 'consumer' pursuant to the Consumer Code, otherwise the Court of Genoa will have exclusive jurisdiction.

12. Dispute Resolution (ODR).

12.1 The Customer is informed that he has the right to appeal to a body for the settlement or mediation of disputes that may arise in relation to these General Conditions and/or to any purchase or in any case transaction carried out on the Site in order to seek an alternative resolution of the same disputes , by accessing the service platform accessible on the website

13. Customer Service, Complaints and Communications.

13.1 For the communications envisaged in the General Conditions and in any case to obtain any information, the Customer can contact the Seller via the email address, as well as by registered letter with return receipt to the following address: Pietro Romanengo fu Stefano Srl, Customer Service , via Soziglia 74/76r, 16123 Genoa. 13.2 The Seller undertakes to respond to requests received from the Customer within the term of 7 (seven) working days by e-mail communication which will be sent to the e-mail address communicated during login.


1. Definitions
The terms reported in these general conditions (the "General Conditions") with the initial capital letter will have the meaning attributed to them below, with the clarification that the reference to the singular also includes the reference to the plural and vice versa: Romanengo: Pietro Romanengo was Stefano Srl, VAT number 00269340105, registered in the Genoa Company Register number REA 0259468, with registered office in Genoa, via Soziglia 74/76 r, postal code 16123, e-mail address: Product Catalogue: the list of Romanengo Products that can be purchased, where available, published and periodically updated on the Site. Customer: the natural person, over the age of eighteen, or the legal person, who acts for purposes related to the entrepreneurial activity , commercial, craft or professional possibly carried out. Order Confirmation: the confirmation of the Purchase Order sent by Romanengo to the Customer after verifying that the economic transaction has been successful.
Contract: the contract between Romanengo and the Customer which is understood to be finalized with the Customer's receipt of the Order Confirmation sent by Romanengo and is understood to include these General Conditions. Law: any law, decree, regulation, directive or regulation, national or local, order or decision, Italian or foreign, of any authority, applicable to the sale of the Products. Purchase Order: the order sent by the Customer to Romanengo through the appropriate form on the Site, subject to confirmation of the availability of the Product. Products: the confectionery products best listed in the Romanengo Product Catalogue, from time to time offered for sale on the Site. Point of Sale: the Romanengo point of sale, located in the Municipality of Genoa, which the Customer can choose as an alternative to shipping, where the Customer can collect the Products purchased online during the indicated opening hours and within the established times. Product Sheet: the descriptive sheet of each Product, available on the Site, which illustrates its main characteristics in compliance with the provisions of the Law.
Website: the Romanengo website where the Products can be purchased. Seller: Romanengo.

2. General information
2.1 These General Conditions of Sale are drawn up in compliance with the provisions of the Civil Code, as well as with the applicable sector regulations and regulate the offer and sale of products through the Site. 2.2 The Seller of the Products and owner of the Site is the Romanengo company . 2.3 The Customer is the natural person, over the age of eighteen, as well as the legal person who acts on the Site for purposes related to any entrepreneurial, commercial, craft or professional activity carried out. In the case of customers falling within the definition of consumers referred to in the Consumer Code, the General Conditions of Sale for Consumers available on the Site will apply.

3. Scope of application and effectiveness of the General Conditions
3.1 The General Conditions have as their object the regulation of the purchase, carried out remotely, of the Products, made available through the Site and constitute an integral part of each Purchase Order and Order Confirmation or in any case transaction of the Products on the Site. The updated version of the General Conditions can be consulted on the Website and also through the link contained in the Order Confirmation email. 3.2 The General Conditions apply to and govern all sales contracts concluded through the Site: each purchase made through the Site implies full knowledge and acceptance, without reservations, of the General Conditions for the Customer. 3.3 The General Conditions may be subject to changes and variations at any time and the Customer, who accesses the Site to purchase the Products, is required to carefully read the aforementioned General Conditions before proceeding with any purchase. 3.4 In any case, each sale of the Products will be governed by the version of the General Conditions which can be consulted on the Website on the date the Purchase Order is sent by the Customer.

4. Information relating to the Products
4.1 The Customer acknowledges and is informed that the information relating to the essential characteristics of the Products, including the relative prices, can be consulted on the Site within each Product Sheet. In the Product Catalogue, each product is accompanied by a descriptive sheet which illustrates its main characteristics. The images of the Products published on the Site must in any case be understood as merely indicative, as they may not correspond faithfully to the real ones due to the devices used by the Customer to view the Site or due to the settings of the computer systems. 4.2 The Product Catalog will be periodically updated by the Seller who, therefore, does not provide guarantees as to the fact that each Product is at any time included in the list of Products available online.

5. Information aimed at the conclusion of the Contract
5.1 To proceed with the purchase of the Products, the Customer must fill in the appropriate login form on the Site. By filling in the login form, the Customer certifies, under his sole responsibility (i) the truthfulness and correctness of the data provided for the activation of the service and, in the case of a natural person, (ii) to have completed eighteen years of age. Alternatively, the Customer may purchase the Products as a "Guest", without registering, but simply by entering the data required for his identification and for the delivery of the purchased Products before proceeding to fill in the order form referred to in the following art. 5.3. In this case, your data will not be saved for future purchases. 5.2 It is the Customer's sole responsibility to keep the login information strictly confidential, not communicating it to third parties, in order to avoid, as far as possible, any risk of intrusion into the Customer's account and the sending of Purchase Orders by people unauthorized or otherwise different from the Customer. 5.3 After completing the login form, the Customer must complete an order form in electronic format, prepared by the Seller, following the instructions contained on the Site. 5.4 In any case, before sending the Purchase Order, the Customer undertakes to carefully read the General Conditions, displayed during the Purchase Order registration procedure, which he expressly declares to have understood and to accept without reservations by ticking the appropriate space on the Site. More specifically, the Customer undertakes to view the information on the essential characteristics of the Products ordered, their prices and the payment methods and times for returning the Products.
5.5 Once the Purchase Order has been completed and the chosen delivery method has been selected, the Customer can change the shipping address previously entered. To complete each Product Purchase Order, the Customer is therefore required to confirm the economic transaction concerning the payment of the price of the Products placed in the cart; for this purpose, once the procedure for choosing the Products and confirming the Customer's data has been concluded, the Customer is asked to click on "Confirm", choose the payment method and, in case of choosing payment by electronic systems, the Site will redirect the latter to the payment manager page. 5.6 Correct payment is certified both by a confirmation message from the payment manager and by the Order Confirmation. In the absence of such messages, the Purchase Orders are understood to have never been placed. 5.7 After receiving confirmation of successful payment indicated in the Purchase Order, the Seller will send the Customer the Order Confirmation via e-mail to the e-mail address indicated during login. The Order Confirmation communication - which, without prejudice to what is indicated below for the case of Products no longer available in the warehouse, is valid as definitive acceptance of the Purchase Order and involves the conclusion of the Contract between Romanengo and the Customer - contains a reference to these General Conditions, the order number, the billing information, the list of Products ordered with the relative essential characteristics, the option selected by the Customer between collection at the Point of Sale and delivery by shipment, where selected the relative option, the place of delivery of the Products being shipped and the shipping costs, as well as the total price of the Products purchased. The Seller is only obliged to deliver what is available in the warehouse and cannot be held responsible if, after sending the Order Confirmation, it turns out that the Product or one of the Products ordered is no longer available in the warehouse. In this case, the Seller will promptly contact the Customer to propose alternative Products to those found to be out of stock or the reversal of the payment, at the Customer's choice and discretion. 5.8 The Customer acknowledges that, before concluding the online purchase procedure described above, he will have to verify the correctness of the data indicated by the same and correct any input errors and, once he has received the Order Confirmation, he will have to print and conservation of the same and of the attached General Conditions or in any case memorize or reproduce a copy. The Order Confirmation will be archived by the Seller in the Website database for the time strictly necessary for its fulfillment and then cancelled. The registered Customer will be able to access the Purchase Order prepared by the same by consulting the "My Orders" section of the Site.

6. Product prices, terms and payment methods
6.1 The prices of the Products displayed on the Site are expressed in Euros and are inclusive of all taxes and duties and, in the event that the Customer opts for direct delivery to the address indicated, also of transport and delivery costs (according to as better indicated in the section "Information on shipments"). 6.2 The prices in effect from time to time are those published online at the time the Purchase Order is sent by the Customer, so it is the Customer's responsibility to check the price of the Products before submitting the Purchase Order; the prices applied by the Seller may be subject to variations without notice. 6.3 Payment for the Products can be made by bank transfer or via the Stripe payment platform which offers a secure payment service on the internet. In the latter case, the payment data is protected through the use of the most advanced technological and coding systems (SSL) and the credit card data, PayPal or other electronic payment system used are in this case processed directly by Stripe and not they are known by Romanengo. 6.4 If payment by bank transfer is selected, the Customer will receive an e-mail summarizing the Purchase Order and the bank details to make the payment. Only after the payment has been credited will Romanengo send the Order Confirmation.

7. Terms of delivery and verification of the Products
7.1 The Products are delivered by the Seller, at the Customer's choice, (i) at the Point of Sale, if confirmed by the Seller in the Order Confirmation communication, during the opening hours indicated therein; (ii) directly to the delivery address indicated by the Customer on the order form on the Site. 7.2 In the case referred to in the option governed by point 7.1(i), the Customer therefore undertakes to proceed with the collection of Products at the Point of Sale, during the opening hours indicated in the Order Confirmation communication, starting from the day indicated on the Order Confirmation and showing a copy of the same. If the Customer fails to collect the Products from the Point of Sale within the mandatory period of 5 (five) days from the date indicated in the Order Confirmation, the Products will no longer be consumable and/or marketable and must necessarily be disposed of according to the Law , at the Customer's risk and no refund will be due to the latter. 7.3 At the time of collection or delivery of the Products, the Customer undertakes to verify the integrity of the packaging of the Products that is delivered to him and the correspondence of the Products delivered with the items listed in the Order Confirmation communication. In the event that, upon collection/delivery of the Products, the Customer has ascertained that the packaging of the Products is not intact and/or the Products delivered do not correspond to those listed in the Order Confirmation, the Customer must refuse the collection/ delivery of the Products. 7.4 The delivery of the Products will be carried out according to what is indicated in each Order Confirmation and, if the option of delivery by shipment, "ex works" or "ex works" has been selected, in any case the Seller shall not be liable for all that pertains to the transport of the Product and its fate after delivery to the courier at the Seller's premises.
7.5 Upon collection of the Products by the courier in charge, the transport document will be issued, which will be countersigned by the courier's employee and will be authentic for everything described and indicated therein.

8. Warranties, forfeitures, limitations of liability and solve et repete clause
8.1 For each Purchase Order, the Seller issues the legal guarantees for defects and/or faults in the Product, under the terms and conditions indicated below. Any disputes relating to faults and/or defects in the Products must be reported in writing to the Seller in the manner and within the terms of the law and must, under penalty of forfeiture of the guarantee, be accompanied by adequate photographic documentation representing the faults and/or defects. 8.2 Pursuant to and for the purposes of article 1462 of the civil code, the Customer may not raise objections relating to faults and/or defects of the Product or other exceptions of any kind, without having previously paid for the Order in full of Purchase processed and to which the exception may possibly refer (solve et repete). 8.3 In the event of faults or defects in the Product, the Seller, at its discretion, will decide whether to replace the goods free of charge or refund the price paid for the faulty or defective Product, it being understood that the Customer will not be able to claim compensation for any further damage and provided that the Customer has complied with the obligations and the procedure referred to in the law and in this article 8. 8.4 Without prejudice to the provisions of art. 8.3 above in terms of faults or defects in the Product, any liability for damages possibly suffered by the Customer as a result of and as a result of the Purchase Orders is expressly excluded, except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Seller. 8.5 The Customer may return the Product deemed to be flawed or defective only upon written acceptance by the Seller and following compliance with the procedure referred to in article 8.1 above. Once the Product considered by the Customer to be flawed or defective has been received, the Seller will carry out the necessary assessments and if he deems the Customer's dispute founded in good faith, the previous article 8.3 will apply.

9. Exclusion of the right of withdrawal due to the high perishability of the Products
9.1 The Customer is informed and aware that the Products, due to the freshness of their ingredients and the absence of preservatives, are highly perishable and subject to rapid alteration also as a result of inappropriate storage, therefore, the Products must necessarily be consumed by the date indicated on each package purchased. 9.2 The Customer therefore certifies that he is aware of the fact that the right of withdrawal from the Contract is excluded, since, due to their high perishability, the Products cannot be re-marketed without endangering the health of consumers after withdrawal / the delivery indicated in the Purchase Order and confirmed by the Order Confirmation communication.

10. Treatment of personal data - Privacy
10.1 The Seller will process the Customer's personal data in compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data as specified in detail in the information available in the "Privacy" section of the Site, which the Customer is obliged to view before sending the Purchase order. This information is deemed to be fully known by the Customer at the time the Purchase Order is forwarded. The Customer will also be asked to consent to the processing of their personal data for specific purposes, where required by current legislation on the protection of personal data.

11. Applicable law - Jurisdiction
11.1 Every purchase made by the Customer on the Site according to these General Conditions is governed by Italian law. 11.2 For any controversy that may arise in relation to the interpretation, application, execution and/or termination of these General Conditions and/or individual Contracts for the purchase of the Products, the Court of Genoa will have exclusive jurisdiction.

12. Dispute Resolution (ODR)
12.1 The Customer is informed that he has the right to appeal to a body for the settlement or mediation of disputes that may arise in relation to these General Conditions and/or to any purchase or in any case transaction carried out on the Site in order to seek an alternative resolution of the same disputes , by accessing the service platform accessible on the website

13. Customer Service, Complaints and Communications
13.1 For the communications envisaged in the General Conditions and in any case to obtain any information, the Customer can contact the Seller via the email address, as well as by registered letter with return receipt to the following address: Pietro Romanengo fu Stefano Srl, Customer Service , via Soziglia 74/76r, 16123 Genoa. 13.2 The Seller undertakes to respond to requests received from the Customer within the term of 7 (seven) working days by e-mail communication which will be sent to the e-mail address communicated during login. The Customer declares, pursuant to and for the purposes of articles 1341 and 1342 of the Civil Code, to be familiar with the aforementioned General Conditions for Companies and Professionals and to specifically approve those contained in the following clauses: art. 7.4 (Limitations of liability of the Seller); art. 8 (Guarantees, forfeitures, limitations of liability and solve et repete clause), art. 9.2 (Exclusion of the right of withdrawal) and art. 11.2 (Exclusive jurisdiction).



1. Definitions

The terms reported in these general conditions (the "General Conditions") with the initial capital letter will have the meaning attributed to them below, with the clarification that the reference to the singular also includes the reference to the plural and vice versa: Romanengo: Pietro Romanengo was Stefano Srl, VAT number 00269340105, registered in the Genoa Company Register number REA 0259468, with registered office in Genoa, via Soziglia 74/76 r, postal code16123, email address: Product Catalogue: the list of Romanengo Products that can be purchased, where available, published and periodically updated on the Site. Customer: the natural person, over the age of eighteen, or the legal person, acting for purposes inherent to the entrepreneurial activity , commercial, artisanal or professional activity possibly carried out. Order Confirmation: the confirmation of the Purchase Order sent by Romanengo to the Customer after verifying that the economic transaction was successful.

Contract: the contract between Romanengo and the Customer which is intended to be completed with the Customer's receipt of the Order Confirmation sent by Romanengo and is to be understood as including these General Conditions. Law: any law, decree, regulation, directive or legislation, national or local, order or decision, Italian or foreign of any authority, applicable to the sale of the Products. Purchase Order: the order transmitted by the Customer to Romanengo through the appropriate form on the Site, subject to confirmation of the availability of the Product. Products: the confectionery products best listed in the Romanengo Product Catalogue, from time to time offered for sale on the Site. Point of Sale: the Romanengo point of sale, located in the Municipality of Genoa, which the Customer can choose as an alternative to shipping, to which the Customer will be able to collect the Products purchased online during the opening hours indicated and within the established times. Product Sheet: the descriptive sheet of each Product, available on the Site, which illustrates its main characteristics in compliance with the provisions of the Law.

Site: the Romanengo website where it is possible to purchase the Products. Seller: Romanengo.

2. General information

2.1 These General Conditions of Sale are drawn up in compliance with the provisions of the Civil Code, as well as the applicable sector regulations and govern the offer and sale of products through the Site. 2.2 The Seller of the Products and owner of the Site is the Romanengo company . 2.3 The Customer is the natural person, over the age of eighteen, as well as the legal person who acts on the Site for purposes relating to any entrepreneurial, commercial, artisanal or professional activity carried out. In the case of customers falling within the definition of consumers referred to in the Consumer Code, the General Conditions of Sale for Consumers available on the Site will apply.

3. Scope of application and effectiveness of the General Conditions

3.1 The General Conditions have as their object the regulation of the remote purchase of the Products, made available through the Site and constitute an integral part of each Purchase Order and Order Confirmation or in any case transaction of the Products on the Site. The updated version of the General Conditions can be consulted on the Site and also through the link contained in the Order Confirmation email. 3.2 The General Conditions apply to and govern all sales contracts concluded through the Site: every purchase made through the Site entails the Customer's full knowledge and acceptance, without reservations, of the General Conditions. 3.3 The General Conditions may be subject to modifications and variations at any time and the Customer, who accesses the Site to purchase the Products, is required to carefully read the aforementioned General Conditions before proceeding with each purchase. 3.4 In any case, each sale of the Products will be governed by the version of the General Conditions available on the Site on the date of sending the Purchase Order by the Customer.

4. Information relating to the Products

4.1 The Customer acknowledges and is informed that the information relating to the essential characteristics of the Products, including the relative prices, can be consulted on the Site within each Product Sheet. In the Product Catalog each product is accompanied by a descriptive sheet that illustrates its main characteristics. The images of the Products published on the Site must however be understood as merely indicative, as they may not faithfully correspond to the real ones due to the devices used by the Customer to view the Site or due to the settings of the IT systems. 4.2 The Product Catalog will be periodically updated by the Seller who, therefore, does not provide guarantees that each Product is at any time included in the list of Products available online.

5. Information
aimed at the conclusion of the Contract

5.1 To proceed with the purchase of the Products, the Customer must complete the appropriate login form on the Site. By completing the login form, the Customer certifies, under his/her own exclusive responsibility (i) the truthfulness and correctness of the data provided for the activation of the service and, in the case of a natural person,
(ii) to have reached the age of eighteen. Alternatively, the Customer can purchase the Products as a "Guest", without registering, but simply by entering the data required for his identification and for delivery of the purchased Products before proceeding to fill out the order form referred to below. art. 5.3. In this case, your data will not be saved for future purchases. 5.2 It is the Customer's sole responsibility to keep the login information strictly confidential, not communicating it to third parties, in order to avoid, as far as possible, any risk of intrusion into the Customer's account and the sending of Purchase Orders by people unauthorized or otherwise different from the Customer. 5.3 After completing the login form, the Customer must complete an order form in electronic format, prepared by the Seller, following the instructions contained in the Site. 5.4 In any case, before sending the Purchase Order, the Customer must undertakes to carefully read the General Conditions, displayed during the registration procedure of the Purchase Order, which he expressly declares to have understood and accepted without reservations by checking the appropriate space on the Site. More specifically, the Customer undertakes to read the information on the essential characteristics of the Products ordered, their prices and the payment methods and return times of the Products.

5.5 Once the Purchase Order has been filled out and the chosen delivery method has been selected, the Customer will be able to change the shipping address previously entered. To complete each Product Purchase Order, the Customer is therefore required to confirm the economic transaction concerning the payment of the price of the Products placed in the cart; for this purpose, once the procedure for choosing the Products and confirming the Customer's data has been completed, the Customer is asked to click on "Confirm", choose the payment method and, in case of choosing payment via electronic systems, the The site will redirect the latter to the payment manager page. 5.6 Correct payment is certified both by a confirmation message from the payment manager and by the Order Confirmation. In the absence of such messages, Purchase Orders are considered never to have been placed. 5.7 After receiving confirmation of the successful completion of the payment indicated in the Purchase Order, the Seller will send the Order Confirmation to the Customer via an email to the email address indicated during login. The Order Confirmation communication - which, without prejudice to what is indicated below for the case of Products no longer available in stock, is valid as definitive acceptance of the Purchase Order and entails the conclusion of the Contract between Romanengo and the Customer - contains a reference to these General Conditions, the order number, the billing data, the list of Products ordered with their essential characteristics, the option selected by the Customer between collection at the Point of Sale and delivery by shipment, where selected the relevant option, the place of delivery of the Products being shipped and the shipping costs, as well as the total price of the Products purchased. The Seller is only obliged to deliver what is available in stock and cannot be held responsible if, after sending the Order Confirmation, it turns out that the Product or one of the Products ordered is no longer available in stock. In this case, the Seller will promptly contact the Customer to propose alternative Products to those found to be out of stock or to cancel the payment, at the Customer's choice and discretion. 5.8 The Customer acknowledges that, before concluding the online purchase procedure described above, he will have to verify the correctness of the data indicated by him and correct any insertion errors and, once he has received the Order Confirmation, he will have to print and conservation of the same and of the attached General Conditions or in any case memorize or reproduce a copy of them. The Order Confirmation will be archived by the Seller in the Site database for the time strictly necessary for its processing and then deleted. The registered Customer will be able to access the Purchase Order placed by the same by consulting the "My Orders" section of the Site.

6. Product prices, terms and payment methods

6.1 The prices of the Products displayed on the Site are expressed in Euros and are inclusive of all taxes and duties and, in the event that the Customer opts for direct delivery to the indicated address, also of transport and delivery costs (according to as better indicated in the "Shipping information" section). 6.2 The prices in force from time to time are those published online at the time the Purchase Order is sent by the Customer, so it is the Customer's responsibility to verify the price of the Products before submitting the Purchase Order; the prices applied by the Seller may be subject to change without notice. 6.3 Payment for the Products can be made by bank transfer or via the Stripe payment platform which offers a secure internet payment service. In this last case, the payment data are protected through the use of the most advanced technological and coding systems (SSL) and the credit card, PayPal or other electronic payment system data used are in this case processed directly by Stripe and not they are known by Romanengo. 6.4 If payment by bank transfer is selected, the Customer will receive an email summarizing the Purchase Order and the bank details to make the payment. Only after the payment has been credited, Romanengo will send the Order Confirmation.

7. Delivery terms and verification of the Products

7.1 The Products are delivered by the Seller, at the Customer's choice, (i) at the Point of Sale, if confirmed by the Seller in the Order Confirmation communication, at the opening hours indicated therein; (ii) directly to the delivery address indicated by the Customer on the order form on the Site. 7.2 In the case referred to in the option governed by point 7.1(i), the Customer therefore undertakes to proceed with the collection of the Products at the Point of Sale, during the opening hours indicated in the Order Confirmation communication, starting from the day indicated on the Order Confirmation and showing a copy of the same. If the Customer does not collect the Products from the Point of Sale within the mandatory deadline of 5 (five) days from the date indicated in the Order Confirmation, the Products will no longer be consumable and/or marketable and must necessarily be disposed of according to the Law. , at the Customer's risk and no refund will be due to the latter. 7.3 Upon collection or delivery of the Products, the Customer undertakes to verify the integrity of the packaging of the Products delivered to him and the correspondence of the Products delivered with the items listed in the Order Confirmation communication. In the event that, upon collection/delivery of the Products, the Customer has found that the packaging of the Products is not intact and/or the Products delivered do not correspond to those listed in the Order Confirmation, the Customer must refuse the collection/ delivery of the Products. 7.4 Delivery of the Products will be carried out as indicated in each Order Confirmation and, if the option of delivery by shipment, "ex works" or "ex works" has been selected, in any case any liability of the Seller for everything relating to the transport of the Product and its fate following delivery to the courier at the Seller's factory.

7.5 Upon collection of the Products by the appointed courier, the transport document will be issued, which will be countersigned by the courier's employee and will be valid for everything described and indicated in it.

8. Guarantees, forfeitures, limitations of liability and solve et repete clause

8.1 For each Purchase Order, the Seller issues legal guarantees for faults and/or defects in the Product, under the terms and conditions indicated below. Any complaints relating to faults and/or defects in the Products must be reported in writing to the Seller in the manner and within the terms of the law and must, under penalty of forfeiture of the warranty, be accompanied by adequate photographic documentation representing the faults and/or defects. 8.2 Pursuant to and for the purposes of article 1462 of the civil code, the Customer will not be able to raise exceptions relating to faults and/or defects of the Product or other exceptions of any kind, without having previously paid in full for the Order of Purchase processed and to which the exception possibly refers (solve et repeat). 8.3 In the event of faults or defects in the Product, the Seller, at its discretion, will decide whether to replace the goods free of charge or refund the price paid for the faulty or defective Product, it being understood that the Customer will not be able to claim compensation for any further damage and provided that the Customer has complied with the obligations and procedure set out in the law and in this article 8. 8.4 Without prejudice to the provisions of the art. 8.3 above regarding faults or defects of the Product, any liability for damages possibly suffered by the Customer as a result of and as a consequence of the Purchase Orders is expressly excluded, except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Seller. 8.5 The Customer may return the Product deemed to be spoiled or defective only following written acceptance by the Seller and following compliance with the procedure referred to in the previous article 8.1. Once the Product deemed by the Customer to be faulty or defective has been received, the Seller will carry out the necessary assessments and if it deems the Customer's complaint to be founded in good faith, the previous article 8.3 will apply.

9. Exclusion of the right of withdrawal due to the high perishability of the Products

9.1 The Customer is informed and aware that the Products, due to the freshness of their ingredients and the absence of preservatives, are highly perishable and subject to rapid alteration also as a result of inappropriate conservation, therefore, the Products must necessarily be consumed by the date indicated on each package purchased. 9.2 The Customer therefore certifies that he is aware of the fact that the right of withdrawal from the Contract is excluded, as, due to their high perishability, the Products cannot be put back on the market without danger to the health of consumers after withdrawal. /delivery indicated in the Purchase Order and confirmed by the Order Confirmation communication.

10. Processing of personal data – Privacy

10.1 The Seller will process the Customer's personal data in compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data as specified in detail in the information available in the "Privacy" section of the Site, which the Customer is obliged to view before transmitting the Purchase order. This information is considered to be fully known by the Customer at the time of forwarding the Purchase Order. The Customer will also be asked to consent to the processing of their personal data for specific purposes, where required by current legislation on the protection of personal data.

11. Applicable law - Competent court

11.1 Every purchase made by the Customer on the Site according to these General Conditions is governed by Italian law. 11.2 For any dispute that may arise in relation to the interpretation, application, execution and/or termination of these General Conditions and/or individual Product Purchase Contracts, the Court of Genoa will have exclusive jurisdiction.

12. Dispute Resolution (ODR)

12.1 The Customer is informed that he has the right to appeal to a settlement or mediation body for disputes that may arise in relation to these General Conditions and/or any purchase or transaction made on the Site in order to seek an alternative resolution of the same disputes , by accessing the service platform accessible on the website

13. Customer service, complaints and communications

13.1 For the communications provided for in the General Conditions and in any case to obtain any information, the Customer can contact the Seller via the email address, as well as by registered letter with return receipt to the following address: Pietro Romanengo fu Stefano Srl, Customer Service , via Soziglia 74/76 r, 16123 Genoa. 13.2 The Seller undertakes to respond to requests received from the Customer within 7 (seven) working days via email communication which will be sent to the email address communicated during login. The Customer declares, pursuant to and for the purposes of the articles. 1341 and 1342 of the Civil Code, to be well aware of its own General Conditions for Companies and Professionals and to specifically approve those contained in the following clauses: art. 7.4 (Limitations of Seller's liability); art. 8 (Guarantees, forfeitures, limitations of liability and solve et repete clause), art. 9.2 (Exclusion of the right of withdrawal) and art. 11.2 (Exclusive competent court).